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Looking east from the Quabbin Tower

It was more than 10 years ago when I first heard about the idea of establishing a continuous forest corridor between the Quabbin Reservoir and Mount Wachusett. Since that time, several public and private conservation agencies and organizations have been working quietly to bring this about, and the reality is now closer than ever.

Funding for the project – approximately $8 million – is included in the 2013 U.S. Forest Service budget request, and ranks second in priority in its Forest Legacy program. If it comes to fruition, it will be possible to make the 20-mile hike completely on conservation land through four communities.

Other similar plans may link up to this corridor. There are similar efforts under way to establish a hiking trail to run parallel to the Route 2 Mohawk Trail, and to establish a contiguous green corridor from Mount Wachusett to the Wachusett Reservoir.

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